Where the sun flows down the stream - Stara Planina - 13 August 2014
Short trip up the Stara Reka, with its amazing waterfalls. Story of supermoon, wild horses and Gypsies, so everything is in order.
Beauty of Bulgarian mountains - 11 July 2014
Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words, so here is my essay on beauty of Bulgarian mountains, written with photos I made over the last two years. So, without further introduction - enjoy!
While planning a sightseeing tour through any city, the most obvious choice is to look into touristic guide book. This way we can be certain that most important sights and street will be listed, along with their history and pictures - they provide the impression on having everything covered... But the most popular touristic routes are being trampled by thousands of visitors every year. Described in guide books, they differ by the amount of details, place from where the photo was taken and by the order of sights - if you go from A to B or from B to A. Still, often they leave out interesting tastes, characteristic for the particular city. [Read more]
Folklore tastes best when experienced in the least expected places and on the least expected hours. Not in museum exhibitions or ticketed shows, but like right now - on a hot summer night on one of seven hills of Plovdiv, where I'm sitting among musicians coming from all over the world to learn the complicated Bulgarian music. Deep in my soul I am thankful for a random choice that directed me to Hikers Hostel - the place where I could live with musicians, hear them and play together. [Read more]

Beauty of Bulgarian mountains - 11 July 2014
Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words, so here is my essay on beauty of Bulgarian mountains, written with photos I made over the last two years. So, without further introduction - enjoy!
The trail of Sofia electric boxes - 9 June 2014

The seven hills of Plovdiv - 18 May 2014

Vrachanski Balkan - 3 May 2014
Sofia has this one indisputable advantage of being surrounded by the mountains. In whichever direction you would go, you would meet one range or the other. South with a city bus - there's Vitosha (Cherni Vrah, 2290), to the west Lyulin Mountains (Dupevitsa, 1256), to the east - Stara Planina, known also as Balkans (Botev, 2376), and with a train towards the north - Vrachanski Balkan (Beglichka Mogila, 1481). In the winter break we decided to visit this named in the last place. [Read more]
The home of madness - Karlukovo - 20 March 2014
I am hanging on a rope around 40 meters above the rocky bottom of Prohodna. I am not sliding down, but am being slowly lowered, entirely dependent on Hristo and Dayana who are gradually putting me down towards the bottom of the cave. I insisted on being able to photograph on the way, which now seems not such a good idea - one has always this illusive feeling of control of the situation, when he's holding the device in his own hands. [Read more]
Bulgarian-Romanian spring greeting - 10 March 2014
It is year 680, just a year after Bulgarians have arrived in the Danube Delta from what is now Ukraine. After they've established a fortified camp on Peuce island, worried Byzantine emperor Constantine IV sets off with a land army and a fleet to prevent the forecoming invasion. Bulgarians under the command of khan Asparukh are defending themselves on Peuce, while Byzantine emperor's health suffers from the swamp climate, so he leaves the siege. The rumors spread in the army, that emperor has fled, soldiers start to panic and desert. Khan Asparukh pursues the army and wins the battle of Ongala. To deliver the news of victory to the main camp, he send a pigeon with white threads tight to its leg. The pigeon gets wounded by an arrow, but heroically arrives to Peuce with white threads stained with its own blood. What does it have to do with the spring? [Read more]
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