Ukraine, V.2012
This time less words, more pictures. Not that there ae\re no stories from there, but I wanted to give justice to these mountains without interrupting the visual narration with where we've went, what we've eaten or where we've camped. Let's just say Svydovets in the beginning of May was pretty empty and feeding our eyes with this strange mixture of hot sunny weather and snow laying here and there. Chornohora was more crowded, especially with fellow Polish people as it was long weekend and these mountains seem to be a popular destination.
On both ridges water is important (like on every ridge), but you can get some mineral water from a "wild spring" in Kvasi. Just find an old man by the shop near the railroad tracks... He will point the way :)

View on Svydovets from Yasinya
20-25 degress and snow
View on Kvasi
View on Kvasi
On the top of Petros (2020m)
On the top of Petros (2020m)
On the top of Petros (2020m)